J E F F   P U L A S K I Director and Professor of Graphic Design, School of Art, Design and Creative Industries, Wichita State University



VITAE (download)







When we worked with Slattery Design + Architecture on the first two phases of the Henrion Hall remodel, one of the things they proposed was a half-inch thick, plate steel fence around the sculpture foundry. They wanted the steel to be perferated to match campus signage. I the fence represented around 100 linear feet of surface that would be very prominent on the northern face of the building. I adapted the university branding elements of wheat kernels to cover the fence adding an interesting visual element to the structure. The final design allows a peak at what is happening inside the facility as well as great patterns on the surrounding concrete on sunny days. More photos of the project can be seen on Slattery Design + Architecture's website. Photos are curtesy of Slattery Design + Architecture and were taken by Alistair Tutton Photography.        

Henrion Hall fence
2022, laser-cut steel